========= Plugins ========= How to use plugins ------------------ Plugins must be specified with the ``plugins`` setting: .. code-block:: python plugins = ['sigal.plugins.adjust', 'sigal.plugins.copyright'] You can either specify the name of the module which contains the plugin, or import the plugin before adding it to the list: .. code-block:: python from sigal.plugins import copyright plugins = ['sigal.plugins.adjust', copyright] .. note:: Using an import like this will break the multiprocessing feature, because the settings dict must be serializable. So in most cases you should prefer the first option. The ``plugin_paths`` setting can be used to specify paths to search for plugins (if they are not in the python path). Write a new plugin ------------------ Plugins are based on signals with the blinker_ library. A plugin must subscribe to a signal (the list is given below). New signals can be added if need. See an example with the copyright plugin: .. _blinker: http://pythonhosted.org/blinker/ .. literalinclude:: ../sigal/plugins/copyright.py :language: python Signals ------- .. function:: sigal.signals.album_initialized(album) :noindex: Called after the :class:`~sigal.gallery.Album` is initialized. :param album: the :class:`~sigal.gallery.Album` object. .. data:: sigal.signals.gallery_initialized(gallery) :noindex: Called after the gallery is initialized. :param gallery: the :class:`Gallery` object. .. data:: sigal.signals.media_initialized(media) :noindex: Called after the :class:`~sigal.gallery.Media` (:class:`~sigal.gallery.Image` or :class:`~sigal.gallery.Video`) is initialized. :param media: the media object. .. data:: sigal.signals.gallery_build(gallery) :noindex: Called after the gallery is build (after media are resized and html files are written). :param gallery: the :class:`Gallery` object. .. data:: sigal.signals.img_resized(img, settings=settings) :noindex: Called after the image is resized. This signal work differently, the modified image object must be returned by the registered function. :param img: the PIL image object. :param settings: the settings dict. List of plugins --------------- Adjust plugin ============= .. automodule:: sigal.plugins.adjust Compress assets plugin ====================== .. automodule:: sigal.plugins.compress_assets Copyright plugin ================ .. automodule:: sigal.plugins.copyright Extended caching plugin ======================= .. automodule:: sigal.plugins.extended_caching Feeds plugin ============ .. automodule:: sigal.plugins.feeds Media page plugin ================= .. automodule:: sigal.plugins.media_page Nomedia plugin ============== .. automodule:: sigal.plugins.nomedia Upload to S3 plugin =================== .. automodule:: sigal.plugins.upload_s3 Watermark plugin ================ .. automodule:: sigal.plugins.watermark