=================== Album information =================== Information on an album can be given in a file using the `markdown`_ syntax, named ``index.md`` : :: Title: Another example gallery Thumbnail: test2.jpg And a description with *Markdown* syntax. Some meta-data keys are used by Sigal to get the useful informations on the gallery: - *Title*: the gallery title. - *Thumbnail*: the thumbnail that will be used in the parent directory to represent the gallery. Any additional meta-data is available in the templates. For instance:: Authors: Waylan Limberg John Doe can be used in the template with: .. code-block:: jinja {% if 'authors' in meta %}

Authors: {{ meta.authors|join(', ') }} {% endif %} If this file does not exist or if some meta-data is missing: - The directory's name is used for the title. - The first landscape image of the directory is used as thumbnail, or the first image if no landscape image is found. .. _markdown: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/